Allen on DoD Appropriations

WASHINGTON, DC—The House passed H.R. 1301, the Department of Defense (DoD) Appropriations Act, in an overwhelmingly bipartisan fashion by a vote of 371-48. This legislation secures funding for the DoD for fiscal year 2017 and provides for key readiness programs including cyber defense and a 2.1 percent pay raise for the troops.

“I am always proud to vote in favor of legislation that takes care of those who take care of us and ensure our nation’s safety and security. In addition to supporting counterterrorism efforts, fully funding a pay raise for our soldiers and providing our forces with essential training equipment and necessary upgrades, this appropriations bill ensures we maintain and bolster our technological edge. In the ever-changing cyber world we live in, a 21st Century Military is without question the most important component to field the threats of our time and beyond.

I am proud to represent Fort Gordon in Augusta, Georgia, one of the fastest growing military installations in the country. Fort Gordon is home to the Cyber Center of Excellence, the United States Army Signal Corps and the future home of U.S. Army Cyber Command. The training and recruiting of the cyber workforce is happening right in my backyard—and as a member of Congress, providing for the common defense is my responsibility. We must prepare our forces on all fronts, including our cyber arsenal. I will always fight to ensure the mission of Fort Gordon is never compromised and our troops throughout the country have the resources they need and deserve.” 


Rep. Allen submitted the following testimony for House Appropriations Committee Defense Subcommittee Members’ Day:

My district, the 12th Congressional District of Georgia, is home to Fort Gordon, one of the fastest growing military installations in the country, home to the  U.S. Army Cyber Center of Excellence and the future home of the U.S. Army Cyber Command. I am proud to represent the thousands of service members from all branches who continue to make sacrifices to ensure the safety and security of the United States.

Building a 21st Century Military is crucial to fielding the threats of today, tomorrow and years to come in the ever-changing cyber environment—and that starts with the investments being made at Fort Gordon. With the relocation of the U.S. Army Cyber Command to Georgia comes many opportunities and many challenges. Cyber is the new frontier. Each and every day, our nation faces a new type of threat in this domain. We must ensure that our cyber warriors have access to the ranges and training environments they need to adequately respond to emerging threats, as well as the readiness and training funding they need to address the full spectrum of cyber threats.  As our military continues the crucial task of building its Cyber Mission Force, I stand ready to assist in ensuring Congress does its part to allow these forces to achieve Full Operating Capability on schedule.

I want to thank the House Appropriations Committee for their hard work on the Department of Defense Appropriations Bill for FY17 and for fully funding defense agencies cyberspace activities. I look forward to working with them to provide the funds necessary to compensate our cyber warriors and their families for their sacrifices, as well as to allow the Army to continue recruiting the best and brightest into the ranks of its cyber force.

President Trump has made clear that strengthening our military is his highest priority and he has called for a full repeal of the defense sequester— a goal that I share. FY18 provides Congress a great opportunity to bolster our national defense.  I appreciate the opportunity to submit my input.




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